Trying to make a marriage work is difficult if you cannot find common ground with your partner. They may make communication impossible due to opposite thoughts.
This can make you think about how long does a divorce take in Florida. That is because separation may be the only option left to restore your mental health.
If you want to know how long does a divorce take in Florida, you’re in the right place. We will help you learn all about it today.
How Long Does A Divorce Take In Florida: The Divorce Timeline Of Different Types Of Divorce

When you want to know how long does a divorce take in Florida, you must consider the different types of separation. The time range varies because the requirements for each divorce are different.
So let’s look at the divorce timeline Florida offers as per types of divorce:
Divorce Timeline In Florida Of An Uncontested Divorce
The uncontested divorce timeline Florida offers to people is one to three months. Factors such as county and development of marital settlement agreements affect this timeline.
If your marital agreement has been signed already and the county clerk offers a fast turnover, you can get a divorce within a month. However, the time will increase if the case is complex due to vague agreements.
Remember an uncontested divorce is one where both partners agree on separation aspects before legal proceedings start. If you hire a family lawyer, they may prepare an agreement that you and your spouse must sign.
So be sure to talk to your partner and get all points included in the document that both of you agree on. A judge will view the agreement and approve it before the final hearing day.
One of you must also be present on the hearing day to finalize the divorce. If you and your partner cannot be there, the divorce timeline may slow down.
If you submit incorrect documents, it will also impede your quick divorce Florida offers. The good news is that some counties allow couples to finalize their divorce through email.
So you may not have to worry about being in the court in specific regions. A family lawyer may help you learn the names of the counties that don’t require spouses to be present for Florida fast divorce finalization.
Divorce Timeline In Florida Of A Contested Divorce
A contested divorce is one where spouses may not agree on different aspects of the separation such as:
- Property division
- Financial assets
- Child custody
- Spousal support
- Child support
If you and your spouse cannot decide on things yourself or with the help of lawyers, the case will go to court. A judge will review the details of your divorce and hear the demands of both sides. They will then distribute assets and child custody after understanding both parties.
These things usually take longer than one would expect. This is why a contested divorce can last from six months to several years. The complexities of the separation will determine the exact time.
So when you wonder about how long does a divorce take in Florida, you must also factor in whether it’s contested or not. If you and your spouse are presenting issues, you cannot enjoy a quick divorce Florida offers.
The court will hold multiple hearings to understand the views of both parties. In child custody cases, the judge may also send a government official to check the living situation of both spouses. They may also keep a separate hearing to ask the child about their preference.
During these several months or years, you will have to cooperate with your partner and their lawyers for a smooth process.
Divorce Timeline In Florida For Simplified Divorce
You may be wondering how long does a divorce take in Florida if it’s simplified. The answer is 20 to 30 days, depending on the county and document submission. What’s so great is that this is the top option to get a Florida fast divorce.
However, you and your spouse must meet some specific requirements to qualify for this divorce. Let’s look at them:
- No minor children are involved
- Both spouses agree to the simple divorce
- The couple agree that they will not pursue spousal support
- Both parties must prepare a marital agreement that they have no objections to
If you and your spouse meet these requirements, you must submit a petition to the court clerk of your region. Both of you will be referred to as the petitioners in legal documents.
Typically, a judge will set a hearing within 20 days of filing the document to finalize the divorce. Sometimes it may take a month due to workload in court and other factors.
However, your divorce proceedings will not be prolonged and you may not even have to hire a lawyer. The only thing you must ensure is that you and your spouse meet the requirements and submit the correct documents.
This three-week divorce timeline Florida offers mainly includes the time from filing of separation to finalization.
Divorce Timeline In Florida For An Online Divorce
Online divorce has become common in many states of the US. You may be wondering how long does a divorce take in Florida if it’s online. The exact timeline depends on various factors such as:
- Type of divorce
- Fulfilling of separation requirements
- County turnover time
- Filing time
Most cases of online divorce in Florida are simple dissolution of marriages. This means that these cases can take three weeks to one month for finalization. You must ensure your divorce is uncontested for a fast timeline.
If your online divorce is contested, the case may become highly complex. You will have to submit a petition and wait for your spouse’s reply. Then you must prepare other documents and give them to a court clerk.
This is why most companies offering online divorce in Florida only accept uncontested or simplified separation types. Otherwise, the turnover time may not be fast.
How long does a divorce take in Florida if it’s online also depends on the fulfillment of requirements. If your separation is uncontested, but minor kids are involved, you and your spouse must take a legal parent education course.
Your course hours must be complete before the online service provider can prepare your filing documents. This may add to the divorce timeline and prolong it to more than a few weeks.
Top 3 Tips To Lower The Divorce Timeline In Florida

The divorce timeline Florida offers can be accelerated by simple methods. Let’s look at them to help you get a quick divorce Florida:
1. Organize All The Important Paperwork
The top step for a Florida fast divorce is to organize all your important paperwork. These may include:
- Property division agreements
- Financial settlements
- Marital settlement agreement
- Child custody plan
You will have to submit different documents to the county or circuit court clerk, depending on your divorce type. If you give incorrect paperwork, the court will reject your separation.
Then, you must restart the process by getting new notarized documents and submitting them again.
A judge will view the new documents and set a hearing if all paperwork is present. This is why it is necessary to organize paperwork so that you don’t experience delays.
Even in court if the judge asks you to present a document, you must have the relevant paper. If you cannot give them the agreement paper, they may close the hearing by giving another date.
All these things not only prolong the divorce timeline but also add to the costs of separation.
2. Opt For Divorce Mediation To Sort Issues You Disagree On
Sometimes you may not be able to bring your spouse to a mutual agreement. They may refuse to talk to you with lawyers. Their attorneys may also stop them from meeting you to ensure the case goes to trial.
If the case goes to trial without proper agreements, the judge will have to view different papers. They will also have to decide on the asset division or other problems accordingly.
This may cause you and your spouse to be in court for years to get a divorce. A good alternative to enhance the timeline is by opting for a third-party mediator. The individual may be an unbiased friend or a neutral lawyer.
The mediator will sit with you and your spouse in a room to make you talk. They will hear the issues both parties have with settlement agreements and try to reach a solution suitable to the couple.
One of the benefits of using a mediator is that they can help you turn your contested divorce into an uncontested type. This means the time to separate can be reduced significantly and help you get a divorce within a month.
3. Hire A Divorce Attorney To Make The Process Quicker And Smooth
The final way to get a quick divorce in Florida is by hiring a lawyer. This will especially be beneficial if you have no legal knowledge and don’t want to increase your burden.
A lawyer will sit with you and your spouse’s attorney to reach different agreements. They will also file the correct paperwork in one turn to ensure the documents don’t get rejected.
Sometimes a law firm’s connections may also help you get a court date earlier than you would without a lawyer. This will ensure you can separate from your spouse promptly.
Firms such as Kraken Law offer excellent lawyers in Florida to help people get fast divorces.
How Fast Can You Get A Divorce In Florida?
The quickest you can get a divorce in Florida is three weeks. This timeline is mainly for simple and uncontested divorces.
What Is The Waiting Period For Divorce In Florida?
Florida laws require you to wait for 20 days after filing for divorce. The court will set a finalization date once this period is over.
How Long Do You Have To Be Legally Separated To Get A Divorce In Florida?
There is no minimum requirement for legal separation in Florida. You can get a divorce whenever you want to as long as you meet the grounds of separation.
Is It Easy To Get A Divorce In Florida?
Getting a divorce in Florida is easy because it is a no-fault state. So couples only have to meet the set grounds for separation. Hiring a lawyer can also make the process easier.
Final Words
That is all the information you need to familiarize yourself with how long does a divorce take in Florida. It can take from three weeks to several years, depending on the type.
The best way to reduce divorce time in Florida is by hiring a lawyer to help you. Phone us today to consult with our expert team of divorce attorneys.